Coaching Pathway

We currently offer no accredited qualifications (watch this space). but we do offer in house training (and hopefully soon online) in multiple disciplines that. if you are interested in training in any of these discipline please contact for more information. we regularly run coaching sessions in

we expect anyone taking a skill also takes the equivalent core coaching skill course (unless they already hold it, or a PGCE (or equivalent) or can test out)

L1 (6 week classroom time at 2 hours per discipline + 20 hours in classroom with different coaches and regular reviews)

L2 3-6 months 2 hours a week classroom (depending on discipline) + around 100 hours in classroom with a coach.

  • Core Coaching L1 (a mix of classroom management, lesson planning, safeguarding, skills for working with those with nero and physical diversity, how to handle insurance, business structure and invoicing, social media training +more)
  • Core Coaching L2 (far more in-depth exploration on teaching pedagogy, business, basic accounting, safeguard lead training, Building and updating curriculum, more indpeth learning of working with those who are nero diverse ic a circus environment, best practice for rigging and safety, in depth risk assessment and management. )
  • Silks L1 (beginner, up to first drops)
  • Silks L2 (intermediate, up open drops and dynamics)
  • Hoop L1 (beginner, up to flares, thigh holds and shoulder stands)
  • Static Trapeze L1 (beginner, with doubles work)
  • Flying Trapeze Petit L1 (upto hock to catch)
  • Flying Trapeze Petit L2 (upto Backend tricks, duo flyer and full returns)
  • Acrobalance and Tumbling L1 (with a focus on hand-balancing and tricking)
  • Ground Skills L1 (a mix of basic juggling, flow arts and basic equilibristics)
  • Fire L1 (focusing on staff and poi, and using paraffin only)