This year we are happy to announce we are running the new arts awards qualifications in connection with Trinity College London. In addition to the arts award qualification we will be also be running trips and teaching specific skills we feel are needed for our young people looking to enter the circus industry and perform.
Arts Award: Bronze
Students must:
Attend at least 1 YDP class (or equivalent) per week.
Minimum age by finish date 11
The Course is:
60 hours total
2 hours per week (term time only)
Total price £600 or £75×8
You will Gain:
Level 1 Awards in the Arts qualification (equivalent to 1-3 GCSE) qualification number 501/0081/6
Go to Cirque du Soleil in London, (or equivalent show if unavailable)
Take part in 3 different workshops from external professional performers,
Try a wide variety of new and interesting circus skills
Learn 1 new circus discipline in depth and perform it in a show.
Be taught the basics of reflective practice
Be taught basic equipment sourcing and maintenance, relevant to there chosen disciplines to help them continue there training after the course
Arts Award: Silver
Students must:
Attend at least 1 YDP class (or equivalent) per week.
Minimum age by time of examination 14
The Course is:
95 hours
2 hours a week for half and 4 hours a week for second half of year
Price £1000 or £125×8
You will Gain:
Level 2 Awards in the Arts qualification (equivalent to 4-9 GCSE) qualification number 500/9914/0
Develop a new circus skills and perform it and another circus Discipline in a show. (Choice of new disciplines include cyr wheel, chines pole, doubles cradle or fire manipulation. Or another disciplines of there choosing)
Go to Cirque du Soleil in London, (or equivalent show if unavailable)
Take part in 3 different workshops from external professional performers,
interview 3 different performing artists about there practice and experience in the industry
Plan and direct an aspect of a show. (music, lights, choreo, rigging, scripts, makup, costumes ect)
Learn Basic rigging
Learn to maintain, transport, assemble and perform on xpole mini rigs, for external performance work.
Intro to working with fire and some basic skills with common fire props (subject to addinoal parental consent)
Be taught the basics of reflective practice
Be taught basic equipment sourcing and maintenance, relevant to there chosen disciplines to help them continue there training after the course
Arts Award: Gold : to be announced soon
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